Children no matter where will love to play. That is why even a daycare need to provide playground area for children. However, parents and the provider will need to consider about children safety when they are playing freely in such an outdoor playground. The playground is important to provide since it can be the perfect place where children can do various physical activity. They can do many things like climb, run, jump, roll and many others. The kinds of physical activity that they do in the outdoor playground are not only preventing the boredom of many hours inside the daycare but also teach children to cooperate with other children. However, the provider needs to find the proper open space type that will promote children physical and social development.
We can add some structure and additional equipment to help children increase preschool children skill and coordination. There are various types of structure and equipment for each children age. It will need the cooperation between parent and provider to find the type of structure and additional equipment that will be perfect with the available space. The next thing to be considered about daycare playground is the organization. It will make our small or wide space seems well-arranged and safe. The daycare staff needs to locate the emergency supplies like first aid and CPR near and reachable in case some urge thing happen. The toys itself will need a cabinet to prevent any damage that resulting from such weather change. For the storage cabinet itself, we will need to choose an easy to open cabinet because it will make easier for children to reach. Be sure that we already put the toys in the storage to avoid any possibilities of injury or children that fall on it.
Safety is the main concern of every daycare playground. To make sure that our playground is safe then we should follow the guide from federal and state. Another guideline that we can follow is the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the American Society for Testing and Material. They set the basic standard of for playground equipment, surface and fence. To make it easier, we can try to find daycare preschool that certified by the National Association for The Education of Young Children because they already pass the playground safety check. The licensed daycare for preschool is also great to choose since this daycare is absolutely achieving the requirement of state safety standard. If the daycare is categorized as a small one then it may do not have license. However, this place should follow the newest guidelines for playground safety. We can even ask the help of certified playground safety inspector to investigate whether our daycare playground is safe enough. The inspector itself is reliable person since they get the training from National Playground Safety Institute of The National Recreation and Park Association.
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